I met up with a new friend, Ashley at the Norco
CVS on Thursday morning for a lot of freebie
items, and totally scored. I think she did too.
I'll give a quick run down, and
then give you the totals.
the ones in blue are FREE after ECBs.
some of those I MADE money on since I had
great coupons. ( ;) and a nod to my hubby for my papers)
2 CVS pretzels .79 cents each
3 G2 Gatorades 1.49 each
6 Propel waters on closeout .40 cents each (3 not shown)
2 Aussie products 2.99 each
2 Maybelline foundations 8.99 each
1 2pk energy shots 3.99
3 Soft and Dri Deod .99 cents each
5 Right Guard Deod .99 cents each
1 playtex 3.99
2 colgates 2.99 each
1 garnier face wipes 5.99
2 bic soliel razors 5.99 each
1 King size Hershey 1$
2 Phillips headphones 6.98 each
2 altoids 1.50 each
regular total 78.24
- coupons =43.59
paid cash 28.88 oop
earned 74.33 in ECBs
amazing right.?
I love FREE stuff and I'm so thankful for it.
I love all the products i was able to buy yesterday
they are my favorites, except the BICs, but I totally
made money on those, so i'll just give them to my friends
who like them. maybe they'll do a swap with me, once the
venus goes on major sale again?
Do you think I got a SWEET deal? Did you get any deals to
be THANKFUL for on Thanksgiving or BF?
Good luck to you.