penny Stretchers!
These are ways i stretch my pennies...
I know they aren't grand, but they are mine!
* we eat left overs
* i clip, print and use coupons
* if we eat out, it's usually off the $ menu or
kids eat free nights.
*we carpool with Daddy to save 1 car payment, car ins. and
registration, though this does make our gas bill a
little higher
* we turn off lights when not in use
*turn off air most mornings at the house
*up'd my text plan, so I wouldn't go over anymore
*stockpile on main ingredients and snacks for my
fam so I won't have to buy them at regular prices,
very often...sometimes I miscalculate
* don't rent movies unless they are FREE at redbox
* swap babysitting with a friend, so we don't pay for a sitter
* all my boys get HOME haircuts all the time
* turn off water while brushing teeth
***And MOST Importantly***
*Get all the FREE stuff I can get that my family
will actually use, ...cuz it's FREE!
What do you do that's not on the list? I'd love to
do more to stretch pennies....Help me, please?
1 comment:
*I recycle bottles and cans! I got $21 last week!
*Eat Leftovers - I never did this before I had kids. But Now we waste as little food as possible.
*Collect/Swap Coke points - I use them to buy AMC movie tickets - We never pay full price for a movie.
*Take online surveys, some sites I get movie tickets with my points, others pay cash, and some give prizes like DVD's
*Mystery Shop so I can eat out at nice restaurants and get reimbursed for it
*Homescan and Shopper's Hotline - scanning groceries - I earn points that I exchange for cash and prizes
That is all I can think of for now but I will let you know if I think of anymore!
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