Do any of you get those great big
SAVINGS postcards sent right to your home
mailbox, like I do?
Here is my list-
3 capn crunch 3/5$
1 Capri Sun 1.99
1 Scrubbing bubbles 2Q
4 Sierra Mist- 2 were free thanks to this printable
4 Diet Cherry Pepsis .99 each
4 boxes pasta 4/5$
4 rice a ronis .75 each
1 mission tortilla chips .88 w/Q
1 FREE sloppy joe can
1 FREE 24 oz Salsa
1 FREE French Bread
2 cans Mandarin oranges .79 each
1 Pineapple Apricot preserves 2.99
(only Jam my boys will eat. that's what happens
when you live with Grandpa when you're a baby:))
1 FREE whole cooked chicken
2.56 lbs bananas 1.25
2 Sara Lee bagels 2/5$
2 sandwich bags 2/4$
1 Cream cheese 2.19
2 orville red. popcorn BOGO + coupon 2.50?
1 Hamburger buns .39
4 Mission tortillas 1.25 each
4 lbs of Mexican cheese 2.50/lb
2 Fresh Express Salads .90 each
3 lbs yellow onion 1.69 w/Q
3lbs of hamb 2.97
4lbs hamb 6.06-3$ Q
tub of ICE Cream 5.59
used 2 10$ off coupons
total 57.03
saved 102.00