here's the low-down:
1 huggies diapers-9.99
2 huggies wipes -5.58-.50 Q(2)= 4.58
6 Johnsons Baby wash-17.94-3.00 Q(2)=11.94
2 brachs candy corn -2.58
2 glow lights - 1.982 jack o' lanterns -1.98
1 binder(impulse)-3.99
total =37.04-10 ECBs=27.04 OOP
ECBs earned
10$ for diaper deal
2.58 for brachs candy
1.98 for jacks
1.98 for glow lights
I turned around and bought another pack of
diapers=9.99 with the 10$ ecb earned and a pack of
M&Ms=.79 (not shown. ate 'em already)= 1.58 OOP
I think I did pretty good. that's a lot of baby wash.
(It's the only one my FUSSY 6 yr old will use.)
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